Immerse yourself in the unique experience of team building through our personalized beach tennis activities.

From exciting tournaments to collaborative games, we have something for every company.

At Veach Beach Tennis Club, we understand the importance of strengthening cohesion and team spirit in a fun and dynamic environment. That’s why we’ve designed a variety of beach team building activities, focused on the exciting world of beach tennis.

Our activities are designed to promote collaboration, effective communication and a healthy competitive spirit among participants.

Values ​​and benefits of beach tennis

  • Respect
  • Discipline
  • Responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Personal growth
  • Healthy competition

Benefits for the team:

Team cohesion: Played in pairs and as a team, it encourages cooperation and trust between players.
Effective communication: Essential to coordinate movements and make quick decisions. Develop clear and precise communication skills.
Problem solving under pressure: Requires adapting to changing situations and making effective decisions.
Mutual support: Players encourage and support each other, strengthening team cohesion by improving collaboration in activities.
Celebration of achievements: Recognizing and celebrating successes motivates participants, reinforcing self-esteem and a sense of belonging to the group in team building.

Activity pack

Competition pack

Team pack

Custom pack